A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

What is "Modern" Modern Chef?

The Game & Watch Gallery series were mini-game collections on the Game Boy that featured both a recreation of an original Game & Watch LCD title alongside a completely reimagined version of that same game with new mechanics, visuals, music, etc!

One of the five titles in Game & Watch Gallery 2 was Chef, a game about a chef flipping food in the air with their frying pan to keep them from touching the ground.  Alongside a remake of that handheld was also Modern Chef, a mini-game featuring Peach doing the same: keeping food in the air by flipping it in her frying pan. Though added challenges included aspects of cooking the food, feeding Yoshi, keeping food from burning, etc!


Classic mode and Modern mode of Game & Watch Gallery 2's Chef

Modern Modern Chef is a remake of that remake! Faithfully recreated with completely hand-drawn artwork, playable with both the original gameplay style and a challenging new reaction-based game mode! Also included are several control and accessibility options plus secrets and unlockable extras!

It's Modern Chef presented in a new bundle polished to a shine! A Modern Modern Chef!

Special Thanks & Credits

  • Alex "IsoFrieze" Losego for their help with analyzing the original game's mechanics to ensure accuracy. Please check out their YouTube channel & support their work on Patreon
Retro Game Mechanics Explained YouTube Channel
Retro Game Mechanics Explained Patreon
  • Jacob Strick for providing music and sound effect support. Songs are based on the original Game & Watch Gallery 2 compositions. Please check out Jacob's various social media sites

This game was a personal fangame project with no affiliation to Nintendo. This game was never meant to be for sale nor will it ever be for sale.

Notice for Mac users: The game at boot-up may request microphone access. You can safely decline that access and the game will still run just fine. Export for Mac from a PC causes a little trouble and hopefully I'll upload a version that makes boot-up a lot less annoying. I'm sorry about that!

Updated 17 days ago
Published 20 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(45 total ratings)
TagsAnimation, chef, Controller, Fangame, Food, Game Boy, Hand-drawn, High Score, Remake, Score Attack


Modern Modern Chef v1.1 - Windows.zip 436 MB
Modern Modern Chef v1.1 - Mac.zip 461 MB

Development log


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I'm going to give Yoshi Salmonella with the amount of raw food I made him eat.

And I'm pretty sure Peach now has a severe case of concussion.

Very very fun :)

Great game!

As someone that adores Game & Watch Gallery 2 and Chef in particular... This is super cool. I jumped right in to Classic Hard just to see how close you got it, and it's seriously impressive. It might be just a slight bit easier than it is on Gameboy, but I imagine that's mostly because the way framerate/game logic is handled in the original limiting just how fast you can move. I'm gonna end up playing this thing a lot just to see how high of a score I can get.

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Your assumptions on this version's difficulty are definitely all correct, but I also admittedly added a little more leniency in the favor of the player. Like for instance- Yoshi has much less frames of animation where they can't eat food, compared to the original. I aimed for accuracy, and I tried not to deviate too far from the original game's difficulty with the decisions I made. Thank you so much for your feedback!

I think I've done alright so far when it comes to score. I kinda just... Got in the zone during the one medium difficulty classic round and sorta... Kept going. That game lasted a full hour. Now I'm curious if the score caps at 9999 like the original or not... If you read this Bunnynaut, don't confirm that. I can and will figure this out for myself eventually.

What language did you program this in? And if you're looking to do more, I'd love to see your takes on Fire or Octopus (with some great remixes)!

This was made in Unity, coded using C#! I don't think I'll be making other GW Gallery remakes, but I appreciate your feedback! And the remix was done by my good friend Jacob Strick! I hope you'll also let them know how much you liked their work on this game! I couldn't thank them enough


I can see the effort put into it which saddens me a bit, I'm not sure why the risk was taken not to at least change the characters, because should Nintendo ever learn of this I can't imagine it'll be allowed to stay up...

Honestly poor foresight on my part. I thought it'd be a good exercise to try to recreate a small mini-game, but it turned into a bigger project than I expected. Whatever ends up happening is something I'll just need to take a lesson from in the future! For now, I hope you can enjoy it hahah

Absolutely delighted with the art and the easter eggs, and the gameplay is as solid as ever (if a bit repetitive). Worth it to get all 8 stamps too. The fact you remembered Luigi's stripped socks tells me enough for the love of this project. Great work!

You should def consider posting a web version to Newgrounds! This would kill over there :)

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This might genuinely be my favorite game of the year so far

super hard mode is too difficult for me , is there a cheat for it or a save file for the complete unlocked secret version?

There is no cheat code to unlock all of the secrets, but I have full confidence in any player to earn all of the stamps! It’s super hard, but with practice you can do it!

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I think its too difficult for me and sometime i dont have time to finish the game, i think you remove the super hard mode or at least give me a cheat or someone  should give me a save file for anyone like me who  dont complete super hard or if modern is too complicated.

Very good recreation I gotta say and very challenging as well. Especially on Modern Super hard mode. It took me quite a few attempts to get 200 points for the last stamp. So yeah, in overall, good game. Keep up the good work.

if you have a save file please send a link to me so i can see the secret, because super hard is difficult, i cant do it. 


why just the one game?






This is absolutely adorable. It feels like something Nintendo would never do, but in a way they would absolutely do it. The quality is incredible and I really enjoyed this remake of my favorite Game and Watch Gallery game!


Incredible name, incredible remake. I'm excited to see what's next from you!


modern modern game and watch gallery would be neat tho its way to much to do


Terrible name, incredible remake. I hope you make more


this is a phenomenal project, i love game and watch gallery and its awesome to see it get some love in the form of a lovingly crafted fangame :D my only issue is that, at least with dualshock 4, the controller support is a bit unresponsive, dpad just doesnt register inputs half the time it would seem

Is it possible to transfer my save data from the 1.0 version to the 1.1 version? I don't want to "lose" my high scores.


Nevermind, I'm stupid. The game does the save transfer automatically. Why I thought commenting this before trying it out is beyond me. Love the game btw! It honestly feels like Nintendo quality stuff!

(1 edit)

Just completed it! Yipee!


Congratulations! Also- don't worry, I should've made a note somewhere regarding save data transfer! It automatically pulls the save data from the same location (which by the way, is Users/[YourPCName]/AppData/LocalLow/Joe Ryan (Bunnynaut) just in case you'd ever want to delete it personally)

Thanks! And that's really cool you were able to do that. I don't know if that's a common thing with itch games, but it's definitely the first time I've seen it work so flawlessly like that.

Could you send me the save file of your completed game, I want to experience it.

Very fun, brought back a lot of memories of playing the chef minigame for hours. 

Getting that last stamp for modern modern super hard took so long but man did it feel good to get it.

The reward for all stamps was honestly better than I expected too haha.

Found this randomly on Youtube and made an account just to comment.

This game is superb, the graphics are astounding, all of the little details, easter eggs, animations, the new mode... I am beyond impressed.

I used to play the old gbc game back in the day, and Game & Watch Gallery 2,3 and advanced are always downloaded on my phone, with chef being my most favourite game of the series- particularly the gbc version. This game is an improvement in every aspect except for that fact it isn't mobile. All of the bugs are gone, the menus are delightful and the animations are (imo) more interesting and characterful than anything Nintendo would do.

Unless someone makes a Modern Modern Modern Chef, or Nintendo finally do another Game & Watch Gallery with an updated version of this game, I will probably play this version well into my old age!

Well done and thank you!


Wow! Thank you so much, this is extremely kind of you to say! I really appreciate all this haha

I would love to see someone else’s vision for a modern modern modern chef! I’m always astounded and inspired by talented independent devs, and whatever modern*3 chef ends up being will blow this version out of the water- no doubt! I can’t wait hahaha

Handheld PCs exist which I would classify as mobile, unless by mobile you specifically mean smartphone, I'm not entirely sure how people think of the term

I totally love the art style, it's incredibly adorable and everything looks so good, the music also seems very beautiful to me, I really like the recompositions, the gameplay is more fluid and pleasant, in addition to the new mode that gives it more variety.  It's a very good game, although somewhat casual, but still 10/10.

This is AWESOME btw. I've already spent an hour on it and plan on playing it a lot more. Great work, here! Gonna spread it around to some of my friends! Is there any way you can put out a transparent version of the logo so I can add it to my Steam library?  Or putting some of the artwork on SteamGridDB if possible!


Oh! That’s a fun idea, ya I can make a steamgriddb set

Thank you so much!


Hey! There was already a bunch there which was honestly kind of surprising to me hahah

But I just uploaded some hi-res versions of the logo png and game icon plus I made a few other options for grid icons and hero pngs! (my name on steamgriddb is tackylamp)

It's funny because right after your first response there then popped up a few on SteamGridDB so I guess it was just a matter of time, thank you for uploading your versions too!

I checked out the fanmade modern modern chef game and its great but i need to ask you something, how will i get stamps and where is the "stamp gallery"

Stamps are marked on the difficulty selection page directly under the word “Super Hard”.  Each stamp matches the icon associated with each difficulty, and is color-coded to match the game mode (red is classic, blue is modern)

You can also check the records page in options, you’ll get a check mark if you’ve gotten the stamp for that mode+difficulty!

(1 edit)

I see, but how do I unlock each stamp in each difficulty, will it be a score? And also, do you think you can include a cheat to unlock or something?

You earn a stamp at 200 points on each difficulty. You can see more details about the game in its how to play section, which is on the difficulty select menu. The data tab goes into a lot of detail about any specifics!

I see and one more thing , eventhough i manage the easy mode but in case if its too difficult could i have a save file with the secret unlocked or maybe an unlimited lives cheat until i got enough points to unlock a stamp?


Such a fantastic remake!!!! I just finished getting all the stamps tonight and I enjoyed every bit of this game, it's bursting with personality and there's so many cool little details! Be sure to peek through every inch of this game, even if you're familiar with Chef already, the instruction section is worth checking out again just to see all the cute animations in there too!

Thank you so much!! Also hi Mello! I remember you lol


YEAH I did a double take when I first saw who made this -- hope you've been well!! Glad to see cool new stuff from ya :D

This also made an appearance in Game & Watch Gallery 4/Advance. Getting 1000 on Easy is pretty standard, but in hard and VERY HARD, it's a way different story. Awesome job on making this G&W Remake.

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I loved this game as a kid! (Although on the GBA / Game and Watch Gallery 4). You did the OG mechanics a lot of justice, and the art design is amazing!

Really eerie to have ancient muscle memory kick in, and it feels exactly how I remembered it!


Perfect in every way. Should probably also make a debranded version that Nintendo can’t go after though cause we all know how Nintendo behaves whenever fans do what Nintendon’t…

Absolutely LOVE the art style. Please make more mini-games.

For over a decade, my glove box held a Game Boy Advance SP with Game & Watch Gallery 4 because Chef is such a wonderful way to pass the time.

This Modern Modern remake is just as fun to play and tremendously faithful, with gorgeous graphics. The Yoshi exp. counter is a great addition, as Yoshi's antics were often the cause of my misses in the older games. I thought I would miss the sounds of the princess moving and turning, but I got used to that change quickly. The only thing this game truly lacks is the portability of its predecessors.

The new Modern mode adds a nice layer of complexity and engagement to the game. For me, the challenge seems to be that I keep mixing up the buttons, leading to frantic moments, though some practice has helped with that.

I'm delighted to see that love for this game has not dwindled over time. Thank you for making and sharing this update of a beloved favorite.

Loved this remake! Cute animations and fun gameplay, although I found the modern mode to not be very fun due to how much of a cooldown there is after you press the flip button and miss. Felt more like a chore to play this mode compared to classic

AMAZING game. All the animations are so fun and cool X3

That said, I seem to be experiencing a bug where the music for the gameplay doesn't play at all, sadly :<

A remake that's done right!

Ended up playing way longer than I expected.
This game is loaded with personality in every aspect of the presentation. Heck, even the credits were a treat for the eyes. There's really not much negative to add since it's a hyper-polished fan game of one of the most fun Game & Watch games. The sound and animations are adorable and super polished. I can there was a ton of time put into this. This one is definitely staying in my games folder.
You should be really proud of this one and I look forward to seeing what you make next!

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The game is fun, i was able to get 1000/1500 on all the classic mode difficulties without much problem (except super hard, which took a dozen attempts)

What i dont really like is Modern Mode, when playing on Easy-Hard it seems pretty fun, was able to get 500~ on all difficulties except super hard, which i've been stuggling to get only 200 on, it's probably just skill issues from me but it feels like most of my attempts were just pressing flip too early or too late, but sometimes i had moments where they threw i have like, an egg at the very left end and a meat on the very right which makes me flip and press right 4 times and i just end up being there a second late.

Sorry for the long comment but i'm just trying to state my experience, im not a trying to make it seems like this single difficulty spike ruins the entire game but it certainly drives me away from trying to get high scores on Super Hard Modern

Besides that the rest of the game is fun and replayable, i'll certainly try to get higher scores on Classic Mode, 7/10

Unfortunately the game doesn't seem to open when I click on the .exe file... I tried redownloading, rebooting my system and running as admin, but nothing worked :( 
I'm using Windows 11

I’m not sure what I can do about that… are you able to run the .exe in Windows 10 compatibility mode? Try right clicking it and selecting “troubleshoot compatibility”, or click on “properties” and go to the compatibility tab. Then select windows 10 or earlier!

I’m really sorry, I don’t have a lot of resources that can help me figure that out otherwise…

What an amazing game! The quality of this game is outstanding, so much love in this. Any plans to adapt any of the other game and watch titles?

Thank you!! No, definitely not. This was something that I thought would be a good fit to practice coding, but it turned into a years-long project that I’d do in between my full time job. I wouldn’t wanna invest this much time into something I couldn’t totally call my own again, so next time I’ll be doing something original hahah!! Lesson learned

I totally feel the pain, as I like doing fan made works as well lol with no compensation.

I look forward to wishlisting your future projects, as the quality of this is outstanding. 


nice retro

CowboyJoseph64 here. This used to be my personal account, but I didn't think I'd need to use it again, so I just turned it into the general Boll Team account. Whoops.

But, anyways, this game is generally incredibly well made. I can tell a hell of a lot of effort went into it, and I had fun. This is one of my favorite games from the G&W Gallery lineup.

However, on a controller at least, I don't know why this happens, but when I try to move and turn at the same time, it will often either turn twice or move twice. It's messing me up real bad, especially in modern mode. Yoshi can usually make up for it in classic mode, at least...


I’ve gotten a few notices about controller problems, and I’m going to hopefully have a fixed version uploaded asap! Would you mind letting me know what operating system you’re playing on and what controller you’re using?

I'm on Windows, and I'm using 8bitdo SN30 Pro+. It's just a standard Xinput controller, I don't remember having any similar problems with anything else.


Oh, that’s perfect, I have that same controller. I’ll start testing it out with that and I’ll try to have a fixed version out tomorrow then!

I apologize, I left JoyToKey on without realizing it.

Hahaha it’s all good! I was trying to replicate it for a while and failed to turn up any results, I would’ve felt bad to suggest that that might’ve been the problem! I’m glad you got it working tho

Everything about the game looks great! You and your team have done a great job. Unfortunately when I play the game on Mac, entering both Classic or Modern mode doesn't seem to load any visuals other than flashing/scrolling unreadable text.

(When paused/showing high score)  The gameplay and audio still seem to function while this happens, and the menus before this work fine, so I'm not entirely sure what the cause is. Any chance of there being a fix?


I'm so sorry about that, I woke up this morning to a text from a friend who said they had the same problem! I just tried re-uploading a new Mac version now using my partner's Mac. Hopefully that'll fix the problem for you and everyone else!


New version seems to work great now. Thanks for the fix!

Phew!! That’s great news! Thanks for letting me know it’s worked!